
Stocks & Options

Trade FREE with TradeZero

Commission Disclosure

Free Orders

NYSE, AMEX or NASDAQ $0 Commission Limit and Mkt Orders

  • Symbol must trade on the NYSE, AMEX or NASDAQ.
  • Securities must be priced $1 or greater.
  • All market and limit orders.
Fee ExampleCommission
Buy 100 AAPL mktFREE
Sell 500 SIRI mktFREE
Buy 200 IBM 135.00
(IBM Current price Bid 134.95 x Ask 135.00)
Sell 100 GE 10.50
(GE Current price Bid 10.50 x Ask 10.55)

Paid Orders

As little as $0.005 Per Share or $7.95 Per Trade*

  • Equities trading on all exchanges, between 4:00 AM ET to 7:00 AM ET; $0.005 per share.
  • Equities trading less than $1.00, between 7:00 AM ET to 8:00 PM ET; $0.005 per share; minimum $0.99, maximum $7.95 charge per trade.*
  • OTC/Pink Sheets, between 9:30 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET; $0.005 per share; minimum $0.99, maximum $7.95 charge per trade.*
Fee ExampleCommission
(Buy 100 IBM 118.00 @ 6:00AM ET)
$0.005 per share 4:00AM to 7:00AM

Trading NYSE/AMEX less than $1.00
(Buy 5,000 NBY $0.50)
$0.005 per share, maximum $7.95 per trade
OTC / Pink Sheets

(Buy 200,000 FNMA $0.80)
$0.005 per share, maximum $7.95 per trade
Trading NASDAQ less than $1.00
(Buy 100 SHIP $0.90)
$0.005 per share, minimum $0.99 per trade

*$7.95 per trade up to a maximum of 250,000 shares


Options Commission$.00 per contract
Options Routing pass through fee$.00 per contract
Options Contract fee$0.42 per contract
Cash Settled Index Options*$0.65 additional per contract (a/o 04/15/2024)
Options Clearing Corp (OCC) fee**$0.02 per contract; $55 cap
Options Regulatory Fee (ORF)**Up to $0.03175 per contract, based on prevailing rates
Option Auto Exercise or Auto Assignment$0.00 per line
Option Manual Exercise fee$35 per line
*Some Commonly Traded Cash Settled Options include but not limited to SPX, SPXW, VIX, VIXW
**May change without notice

Other Fees

Daily Short LocatesAs Quoted
Overnight Borrow Effective 10/3/2022, all short positions held overnight are charged the daily market rate which changes based on market conditions
Overnight Borrow - Odd Lots Odd lot positions (less than 100 shares) will be rounded up to the nearest hundred shares
Margin Debit Interest9%
TAF Fee*$0.000166 per share (equity sells) and $0.00279 per contract (options sells).
SEC Fee*$0.0000278 x dollar amount, sell side only
ADR Fee*Pass-Through
Assisted Trade$30
Risk Sellout$50

*May change without notice

Select Routing

TradeZero America offers the ability to choose your route. From 4am Eastern Time to 8pm Eastern Time, be in control over where your orders are routed.


Smart order router.

How It Works

FAN-A: Aggressive

FAN-N: Neutral

FAN-P: Passive

Eligible Hours

7:00 am to 8:00 pm

per share


Select routing accounts must maintain a $25,000 minimum balance.

Are you interested in these routes?

Fill out the form below or drop us a note at and we will be happy to help.

Trading Software

Platform Fees

The fees listed below represent the monthly cost for the available front end trading platforms,
as well as any additional optional add-ons. Exchange fees quotes are for non professional only.

Platform and Optional Add-OnsMonthly Cost
ZeroWeb Level 2 ZeroPro$59
ZeroMobile add-onFree
OTC Markets Level 1 (includes OTCBB and Pink Sheet data. Required to trade penny stocks) $5
OTC Markets Level 2 (includes OTCBB and Pink Sheet Level 2 data) $15

Platform Comparison

Price Per Month$59 per mo. includes both$0 per mo.$0 per mo. / included with all platforms
Level 2 /# of Level 2 WindowsYes/ 10+ windowsYes/ 10+ windowsYes/ 1 windowNo
Advanced HotKeysYesYesAdd-on / $15 per monthYes
Charting with IndicatorsYes/ 10+ windowsYes/ 10+ windowsYes/ 2 windowsYes
Real-time NewsYesYesYesYes
Options TradingYesNoYesYes
Real-time NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ Level 1YesYesYesYes
Top Lists - Gainers, Losers, ChangersYesNoNoYes
Custom LayoutsYesYesNoNo
Window LinkingYesYesYesNo
Mac/iOS CompatibilityNo*YesYesYes
*NOT SUPPORTED - Possible with Windows Emulation Software. See FAQ

Account Related Fees

Account Related Fees

Inactivity fees$0
Outgoing ACH$5
Incoming ACH$0
Returned ACH$50
Outgoing wiring fee$50
Incoming wire fee$0
Returned Wire$50
Account transfer (incoming)$0
Account transfer (outgoing)$125
DTC Delivery$50 (per security)
Paper Confirm$2
Paper Statement$10
Dividend Check$25
Standard Corporate Action$35
Complex Corporate Action$100
Unqualified Account Fee$5 (see FAQ for description)